So I understand the weather has been stupidly cold recently, and depressing as it sounds, it's so cold that people are dying in some parts of Asia because they are not used to this freezing weather. Well as Vancouverites, I guess we're somewhat used to it. Even though we are located right by the water, it's so dry here, and I've already heard more than enough complaints and comments coming from people saying how ridiculously dry their skin has been. I'm surprised it hasn't snowed yet haha.
Seriously though, if you need a skin saver, check out my review for Erno Laszlo's Hydra Therapy Mask, it is absolutely amazing mask that will literally fill up your skin's hydration like a glass of water.
But anyways, today's review is on Erno Laszlo's Sea Mud Exfoliating Soap. Sound fancy enough? Let me answer some pondering questions!
1. What is it?
It's an awesome exfoliating bar of soap that will help not only extract blackheads, close large pores and remove the dead skin that is collected on your face, it will also detoxify, tone, and improve circulation. Even though it exfoliates, it is gentle enough to use daily. It's a bar of soap, which means it'll literally last you forever.
3. What is the main ingredient?
Therapeutic sea mud which contains 26 different healthy minerals for the skin
2. How does it work?
Well, read on to find out (: I look so excited to try it, and trust me, I was.
It comes with a nice case to store the soap in when you're done. It's important for you to keep it stored in a dry and clean area. Especially because when you're done washing your face with it, it's going to be wet, which means it will easily absorb bacteria. So for sanitary reasons, make sure to always rinse your soap clean before storing it away!
Let me show you how to use this magic soap
Step 1
Soak your soap into a tub of warm water. It is quite a soft soap as it is meant for the face and not for the body, so be gentle with it.
Step 2
Directly lather the soap onto your face. It may sound weird or unsanitary, but it's the best way to really get the product into those darn pores. If you're afraid of bacteria getting attached, quickly rinse the soap when you're done, and put it in the box it comes with.
Step 3
Use your hands to evenly spread out the cleanser and work the product deeper into the problematic areas (acne, pores, blackheads etc). I usually will do this for about a minute, but you can be the judge of that. Just make sure you don't over do it, because it still is considered an exfoliator.
Step 4
Rinse off the product using the soap water collected in your sink. I always like to try and get the most out of my product.
Step 5
After 3-5 splashes, rinse all the excess product off using clean warm water from the tap. And voila! You're done, and your skin will never have felt cleaner and softer ever. Plus, you were able to achieve this without violently scrubbing it with an exfoliating scrub, or making it extra sensitive from using a chemical peel.
Since it is a deep exfoliator, it literally will clean the crap out of your skin (excuse my language lol). Which means your skin will feel super smooth, but maybe a little dry. So when you're done washing, don't be a little brat like me and get super excited because my skin now feels stupidly smooth and just jump on my computer to tell my friends. No, literally seconds later, it felt like I had someone pulling my skin... it was so dry and tight I couldn't stand it. I remembering the first time I had to dump a pile of hydrating face mask to calm it down. But the next few times that I knew that was going to happen, I immediately applied my toner, serum and moisturizer and it was all good.
Also another piece of advice for those super dry users, is to use an oil based makeup remover under first. But don't rinse it yet, and use the mud soap directly on it. The oil will kind of act as a lubricant, and will actually help loosen up the debris and dirt trapped in your pores even better. Doing this will also help so that your skin doesn't feel just as dry and tight when you're done rinsing your face.
So what do I think about this product? I absolutely love it!! I would give it a 9/10 rating. Not that there was anything wrong with it. Of course it would just be awesome if we could see the extraction Did I see any immediate results though? Yes, I had a pimple on my forehead and by my cheek that was stuck under the skin. It was painful, and I was just waiting for it to surface... but after a painful week, it just stayed under. Right after I used the soap, it literally yanked it right out of my face! Seriously no joke, it was so painful but it felt so darn good. And the next day it scabbed and healed almost immediately. Ok I swear I don't just love every single beauty product, I actually do try it 2-3 times and actually see a result before I review it. I guess I could do a bad review as well...but then I would feel kind of bad for the brand. But I should let you guys know what products to avoid as well right?
See how nice my skin looks now after using the soap for about a week! My makeup definitely feels like it goes on much more smoother, and no more flaky forehead. Yes this picture was taken from my HTC One, so quality is not as great. But It's taken with #nofilter and no photoshop, haha yes... I hash- tagged no filter, make fun of me all you want.
But please let me know if you have any questions/comments, I would be more than happy to answer them. Have a good valentine's weekend everyone!! And thank you for reading <3<3
It's what you would expect,dead sea mud mask in a container. It looks like mud, it smells like mud. This product is great, I find my skin very cleansed and soft after using it in my weekly applications.